Feld Notes

Aug 2018


Today I experienced what is quite possibly the worst first-world problem ever: forgetting to take my AirPods to work. Each day, I make sure to take my lunch outside, so that I can enjoy the sunshine and go for a walk. These walks invariably involve listening to podcasts such as The Talk Show, ATP, Revisionist History and shows by Relay FM.

I realised that I had left my AirPods at home as I went to the microwave to reheat my leftover gnocchi for lunch. I have an iPhone 7 Plus and do not keep a Lightning adapter for an auxiliary cable, so this was a most dire situtation. The idea of going outside for a walk without my current podcast seemed horrific. To remedy the situation, I had to go down a slightly less comfortable (and much nerdier) path. I pulled out the old, wired Sony headphones in my desk drawer along with my 10.5-inch iPad Pro.

After I finished my gnocchi, I embarked on my journey through the mini-forest next to my office building, plastic headphones clicking in my ears and iPad bouncing in my hand with each step. I’m pretty sure that I looked about as ridiculous as people who use iPads to record live concerts.

All in all, things were fine but it really wasn’t the same. With AirPods, I have been absolutely ruined. Do not make the same mistake that I did.