The Easter long weekend is drawing to a close. It was fantastic to have the time to catch up with family and friends… most of it unplanned!
Great billboard
This is an annual tradition for me and Natasha. Palace Cinemas in Sydney has the best film festivals.
Like @macgenie’s guinea pigs, mine also enjoy sharing cucumber.
Perfect weather in Wollongong today!
Peak nerd: listening to Kyrie by Mr. Mister through the bedside-table iPod Hi-Fi (or ‘old HomePod’, as Natasha calls it). This kind of thematically appropriate time-wasting is possible on the Easter long weekend.
My Vote Compass 2019 results! Yay Australian politics
A lovely sunset over Mt. Keira during the ride home
A number of tech commentators believe that Apple should acquire Nintendo. I agree that this would be a great idea, although I question whether they have considered certain consequences. Read more in Death by Brand Fusion on Lounge Ruminator.
For guinea pigs, this is truly the life.
Australian lawnmower advertising
I Want It All by Queen is one of my favourite songs to play on the HomePods. In contrast to other artists we play, we’ve noticed that Rogue and Rio become more vocal and sing along whenever they hear Freddie Mercury’s voice. Genuine fans!
Some online commentators seemed confused about the purpose of Apple’s recent services event. I had a crack at answering it: Apple and the Craftsmen – Lounge Ruminator.
I was thrilled to spot a lyrebird in Morton National Park today! It sounded like various native birds were making noises in the same area, until I worked out that just one lyrebird was mimicking all of them. There was some traffic noise nearby but it could still be heard well.