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Here’s my shortest film review ever: Toy Story 4 is brilliant.

I was asked by an old colleague to translate a medical report for her dad, who has pneumonia whilst travelling in Germany. As written in the document, the somewhat accusatory German description of his Exnikotinabusus (former nicotine abuse) rather than ’ex-smoker’ is priceless.

I’ve never had a nickname but today, after talking about typefaces at length, a colleague called me ‘Fontzy’. I can run with that.

Natasha brought some ruby chocolate home for me to try for the first time. That stuff is delicious; it’s almost like chocolate mixed with fruit, without being sickly.

Reports of iTunes’s potential shutdown or break-up into separate apps has finally hit the mainstream press and it’s hilarious to watch. I jumped in my car and heard Triple J radio reading emotional (and somewhat negative) user experiences of iTunes to slow piano music.

I’ve now been in my current job for a year. That’s hardly a huge milestone, however I’m grateful to have a job that’s closer to home. Not having to commute almost four hours in total each day has given me so much more time to enjoy with my family.

Today I saw a young kid out with family, riding a scooter and wearing a large crucifix. I accept that people raise kids with their own beliefs, however someone his age couldn’t possibly understand the weight of that symbol. Why decorate them with icons whose history they can’t yet comprehend? Kids are sponges and should be taught to question, not blindly accept.

I’ve concluded that certain people must think that I’m strange. Whenever I bring up topics like the importance of typefaces in messaging and design, I receive blank looks.

Slightly rainy Saturday mornings are the best mornings.

The same people in the office ask me frequently if I am experiencing computer and Internet issues at the same time as they are. My answer is always, ‘No, I’m using a Mac’.