It’s 33 degrees Celsius today but still lovely to spend lunchtime in the shade. There’s a severe fire warning, however at least it’s not as bad as the recent catastrophic rating that we had in New South Wales. It should be an interesting summer… ☀️🔥
On this day five years ago, I camouflaged perfectly with a chair.
This latest episode of my Lounge Ruminator podcast, Immediate Recognition, is the result of a subtle nudge from fellow user @canion, who kindly responded to a post that I made yesterday about a particular movie soundtrack. I thank him for his encouragement! 🎙
Our neighbours upstairs are very loud and seem to have very poor dexterity, as they drop things constantly. Finally, they’re doing something noisy that I can enjoy: watching The Matrix. It was so loud that I stood in our lounge room describing what was happening on their screen.
There’s no end to the list of things that I can nitpick when out the shops! Read the latest grammatical rant in Rumination 60: CAPITALISEm on Lounge Ruminator.
These little friends provide a nice, squeaky ambiance while I read in the lounge room.
There are stereotypes for elderly drivers and then there’s this… Rumination 59: They See Me Rollin’ on Lounge Ruminator.
PhD Journal Entry 6: Escape on Lounge Ruminator
It starts to rain outside my office.
A colleague asks, ‘Is it raining?’.
Another colleague replies, ‘Wow’.
Episode 3 of my Lounge Ruminator podcast, It’s the Principle of the Thing, is now available. In it I discuss the importance of transparent and honest design, citing the work of Scolari, Mumford and Rams in their respective fields. 🎙
During a recent commute, I thought about how the devices that we use today are already augmenting and altering our sense of reality. Read more in Rumination 58: Everyday AR on Lounge Ruminator.
Coldplay’s latest album, Everyday Life is easily the most musically interesting album since Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends in 2008. On first listen today, I had no idea where it was going—totally unpredictable.
Wow… Vivaldi recomposed by Max Richter on Apple Music
One of the basic oxygen steel-making vessels in Port Kembla
I was very fortunate to be visited at work by @NTKF today, who surprised me with the spontaneous delivery of a peppermint Magnum. She was in the area after finishing at work for the day and now I shall expect this all the time.
I agree with what Dan Moren has to say about autocorrect on; I’d love to be able to add words to the iOS dictionary and remove unwanted ones. ‘Don’t’ often becomes ‘Donny’ for me and I don’t know anyone called Donny.
Wish List: Edit iOS’s autocorrect dictionary
During a trip to the shops, @NTKF and I were excited to test the new Logi Ergonomic Mango.
It has been a few days since I was on—too busy to think about it—which felt strange, now that it’s one of my favourite things to read each day. Every time that I’m here, I’m struck by how genuine people here are. Most other networks are noisy, artificial and boring.
The jacaranda tree at the front of our place is looking absolutely beautiful now that we’re in spring. They’re blossoming throughout the suburbs and it’s lovely to see the big return of colour!
Domestic cacophony
When Belgian and Australian culture collide… (It’s hard to have a Gaytime on your own.)
An awesome day at the Viva la Gong festival with @NTKF, featuring Sera’s delicious corn, soul flamenco and a gorgeous mother-daughter trio, called Putri Ayu Indonesia!