Support Great Storytelling at ‘The Nib’ on Lounge Ruminator
Paco and Coco enjoyed some grass at the park! (Excuse my slightly over-the-top Kath & Kim-esque voice.)
Illawarra hockey spray
Let’s make every day a casual Friday: Rumination No. 44: Shorts at Work, Pls on Lounge Ruminator is certainly the place for me now, however I wanted to reflect on the mixed experience that is Twitter… Rumination No. 43: Why I Still Use Twitter on Lounge Ruminator
I’ve noticed a number of American shows that poke fun at Canada—Australians do the same thing unfairly to New Zealanders—but can any Americans here tell me what the US finds amusing about Boxing Day?
Here’s my shortest film review ever: Toy Story 4 is brilliant.
I was asked by an old colleague to translate a medical report for her dad, who has pneumonia whilst travelling in Germany. As written in the document, the somewhat accusatory German description of his Exnikotinabusus (former nicotine abuse) rather than ’ex-smoker’ is priceless.
Natasha posted a photo of Coco the Pepsi on Facebook’s Potatoes with Legs group, however we though it best to share it with the good people of too.
Paco and Coco’s Sunday breakfast fun!
Rare Australian trolleys spotted in their native habitat
Whilst I don’t have video, here is photographic evidence for @macgenie that I did indeed participate in The Sound of Music tour in Salzburg, along with Reiseführer Gunther. 😄
I’ve never had a nickname but today, after talking about typefaces at length, a colleague called me ‘Fontzy’. I can run with that.
I’ve never drunk coffee purely for the rush, however the act of simply delaying the hot beverage to later in the morning does a lot to lift my energy and spirits. My poor colleagues…
Natasha brought some ruby chocolate home for me to try for the first time. That stuff is delicious; it’s almost like chocolate mixed with fruit, without being sickly.
These two cuties never cease to entertain me.
I gave my iPhone to Natasha to check out the Mac Pro AR demo and she did this. Once she handed it back to me, she said, ‘This is how I see you’.
I’m sure that Kurt Cobain would have been thrilled with this.
Now this is a useful notification! Great show
Challenging Three Apple Myths on Lounge Ruminator